All posts by TriStrategist

A Force Awakens – From Star War to Future Diversity

Café Scene in Star War - The Force Awakens
Café Scene in Star War – The Force Awakens

Diversity has become an alarmingly thorny issue again lately, no matter on college campuses or in corporations. The news and public interests that it has generated are just slightly shy of those in the 1960s. From Princeton to Harvard or Yale, students are demanding the re-evaluation of their past worshipped alumni who may historically have biased on diversity issues. Princeton is examining if the name of the famous Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs should be renamed without Wilson – a Princeton Class of 1879, governor, US president and Nobel Peace Prize winner; while Yale is considering the removal of the name of John C. Calhoun – a Yale 1804 graduate, senator and US vice president, from one of their residential colleges. Diversity lawsuits are also perplexing the top managements of many large corporations, as frequently as they fear to hear.

From the US immigration debates to the European migrant saga, from the pockets of bloody religious fights to the military’s allowing women in all combat battles, from the changes of demographic distributions to the global denouncement of the mistreatment of women in outdated cultures, although generations’ progress on diversity have been made little by little, either in hiss-hiss mode or everyone-go-through-a-training mode, a new look at the diversity is apparently in need.

What will really be the future situation of the diversity? Can we have the unbiased view that can stand the test of the passing of the time? Diversity is a force that awakens with the developments of human societies and modern sciences and technologies. More than ever, ignorance and arrogance on diversity are deterrents on progress.

As the author watched the Star War’s latest episode, The Force Awakens, she can’t help marveling at that café scene (See pic.) of the Maz’s castle on the planet of Tokodana where Luke the Skywalker’s lost lightsaber was located once more. Various species of the galaxies are gathering together as equals in a rip-roarious café. If one day we earthly humans indeed need to live among the strange-looking ETs, would we be able to enjoy our drink just the same as we do today? When joint survival is no longer a topic but a necessity, the respect of diversity seems the only way for every being. Unfortunately our current diversity challenges even among all humans are already daunting.

History may come to a stage calling for a new level of awakening on diversity, based more and more on fairness and open-mindedness, with sensitivity and insensitivity. Some deep soul searching is likely needed for each of us. It’s futile to demand that the slave owners of the past or whoever outlawed women as voters a few centuries back be dug out from their tombs and sentenced. However as educated and future-minded as we are, in our modern day-to-day life and work, have we advanced enough to have the tolerance of differences, the equal views of others, the willingness to give fair credits to people who are different than ourselves? Can we practice to have the true acceptance from the mind and heart to the evolving needs of the diversity for the years and decades to come?

Confucius on Leadership

What makes up a good leader? Where do we start in selecting our leaders?

About 2500 years ago, Confucius’ student Zigong asked his teacher a puzzling question: if a whole village love a person, is he a good person? Confucius answered, “Not enough”. Zigong asked again, if a whole village hate a person, is he a bad person? Confucius answered, “Not enough”. Confucius continued to explain that a good leader is better a person that all the good people in the village love him and all the bad people in the village hate him.

A true leadership must stand to be controversial because it needs high courage to face difficult choices and make tough decisions. Rarely everyone in any village shares the same views on issues, nor each person shares the same interest. When the world we live today becomes more complex, more entwined, more tumultuous, more unpredictable, the leaders we choose need a lot more grits to stand for high values, face up to complex conflicts and endure ugly tribulations. Leadership does not need positions or titles, but when true challenges call, it’s no simple job to select a leader, and even more daring to become one.

China’s Internet+

Although the Internet found its footing in China much later than most of the western countries, with rapid progress only after the Trans-Pacific Fiber Optical Cable Network since 2000, China is striving to march to the next Chinese-characteristic Internet era in great stride. They call it “Internet +” phase, a notation announced by Premier Li Keqiang in Spring 2015 to integrate mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data and the Internet of Things with modern manufacturing to encourage the healthily development of e-Commerce.

Taobao mobile UI
Taobao mobile UI

Even today, besides mobile e-Commerce spearheaded by Alibaba Group and a few large players, the broad development of mobile internet in China has seen rapid attraction and growth, much faster than that in European or the US markets. It all started by realizing that the Internet development in China needs to fit in their own unique cultural environment. The current popular business model O2O (Online-to-Offline) – online order to offline delivery and services – can allow online consumer goods to be delivered within hours to the doorway, Uber-type personal shared rides to be called 24×7 within a few minutes in big cities, restaurant discount orders and reservation to be made on mobile minutes before arriving. Considering China’s size of population and geography, this kind of speed and efficiency are rare even in western countries.

WeChat Wallet Apps
WeChat Wallet Apps

The rapid development of mobile internet in China has been powered by the cloud computing. Every business area is a huge big data space. Although technology challenges remain in many areas, western-educated talents are recruited back to create new products and services everyday. It’s a global talent war at the moment.

The Internet has lowered the barriers of competition and flatten the field in almost every business corner. With the target of Internet+, the leapfrog development in China in certain areas may very well lead to future new growth patterns and another interesting era.

Counting the Change

Today besides the heads of the states for their job purposes, how many times can we allow ourselves physically to have an around-the-globe trip in a lifetime? Luckily TriStrategist has just completed such a chasing-the-sun journey after covering 20,000 miles (between latitude 45-55ºN) in 60 days, meeting all walks of global people, taking all modern transportation means, and painstakingly dealing with 4 currencies ($, £, € , ¥).

After putting away those interesting global change, TriStrategist has just started to reflect on this journey. The world is still diverse, but becoming more and more similar with the aids of modern technologies. Changes are everywhere yet at an uneven pace. TriStrategist may share more about the observation and learning from the trip gradually.

The Money-Value of Time and Time-Value of Money

We say, ‘Time is money.’ Very soon, we may also start saying ‘Money is time.’

Realizing or not, the perception of time changes when someone transfers from a full-time FTE job to a paid-by-hour income style. It promotes one to start asking him/herself if it’s worthwhile to do one thing vs. the other at a certain time. One may not want to waste their energy on tasks which can be done by others with fewer hours or lower hourly rate. However one’s money earned is directly proportional to the number of hours spent on the job specified.

One step further, if a man moves from a paid-by-hour job to a paid-by-completed-job income style, then he will likely think harder about how he can finish the same job with more efficiency – same amount of money earned but less time. He can then use the freed-up time to accomplish other things in life, either with family or on leisure. A happier and more productive individual may be in the making.

However in today’s business practices, we often project budget estimate or cost accounting by calculating resource man-hours, with very little consideration on the deeper meaning of productivity. Primarily out of the money-saving consideration, the money-value of a task is calculated by the average time of an average skill-level resource, which often yield mediocre results in terms of either the productivity or the morale. In these practices, the definition of “productivity” is often misplaced, as well as the understanding of the relationship of time and money. As a result, the society also moves backward in the value and meaning of a productive individual’s lifetime. With the new-age waves, these practice needs to be carefully re-evaluated.

In the new age (call it Disruptive Innovation Age, the Second Machine Age or any other catchy names), with the progress of today’s disrupted society where every past structure, social norm, business model is being challenged, the century-old concept of Time vs. Money should have no exceptions. For both individuals and businesses, calculating “Time Used” may take less significance than calculating “Time Freed”. Once that mindset is shifted, the concept of money, or cost , will in turn change dramatically.

A business is made up of individuals. The value of an individual is the hardest to calculate in money terms. There is no best formula. If a life can indeed be tracked by a sequential timeline in our scale of the world, then a few flashes of moments in life or career can prove a lot more valuable than any other period combined. Those most creative and productive moments can yield the largest values to the individual, to the business or to the society.

How to capture and calculate the money-value of those time moments will be one of most challenging questions to the future-minded leaders of any business. For an individual, how to free up oneself from endless money concerns in favor of more favorable conditions, e.g., more free time, relaxed mind, balanced life style, constant learning, etc., to create those precious moments, and to master the time-value of money instead, can be the toughest challenge in pursuing a truly productive life.

The Power of WeChat

A lightweight mobile app has become an indispensable tool and major media platform for millions of active users and businesses in China. That revolutionary tool today is called WeChat. Even the government agencies nowadays set up WeChat groups to communicate with its members.

Started in January 2011 by Tencent, within a few years, WeChat has reached 90% of smartphone users in China, 600 million active users per months, covered 200 countries in 20 languages. Its growth rate has far exceeded those of Facebook or Twitter. After entering India, within one year it reached 27% of the market share in its category.

WeChat Active Users by Q2-2015
WeChat Active Users by Q2-2015 (Click to enlarge)

Where does its power come from? TriStrategist thinks the following:

1. It fits the needs of today’s digital-driven, mobile-driven mass-media environment. It is easy to use, intuitive, fast and scalable. The simplicity of its interface focuses on the mass-media essentials and allows users to easily publish, link or forward contents.

2. It supports instant voice and video messages. No matter a 3-year-old girl or 90-year-old grandfather, once they open the WeChat app on their cell phones, they can start using it with fingers, their voices and phone cameras. No computer background is needed.

3. Outstanding performance. Once getting connected to WeChat, Worldwide users can find the speed and stability they need to support instant information sharing and communication. Messages, web articles, pictures, videos, music, emoticons, etc., the amount of data and information being exchanged daily through WeChat is amazing, yet all seem to be within the expectation of performance.

4. The straightforward features to support businesses and personal lifestyle choices. The power of communication is given to the users. It’s not only a networking platform, but also a combined entertainment, information sharing and lifestyle consumption facilitator.

WeChat has definitely made the chatting more powerful.

China Presentation- Cloud Computing and Positioning

The following slideshow video was from a presentation that TriStrategist delivered to the audiences in China on Cloud Computing and Positioning. These pages are in both English and Chinese.

For more on the related subjects, please read our blogs on:

  • Cloud Computing in China
  • The Positioning of Cloud Services – Part III

  • A Future World of Silence

    Silent Machine
    Silent Machine
    Today everywhere we travel, from the U.S. to Europe, we only need turn on WiFi and find a connection, in the air, on the train or bus, in the hotel or bar. The rest will all be similar: you find where you want to go, which tube, tram, or bus you need take, check the map online, walk to the nearest stop, purchase your ticket through the ticket machine, get on the unassisted tram or bus (except drivers still exist in present days), read the chart or listen to the radio for your stop, and then get off. You don’t need talk to anyone because they are all strangers. You don’t need ask for directions, because they barely know more than you do.

    Imagine such a future, everything is connected online. You call a driverless taxi to shuttle you to a train station or airport. You buy a cup of coffee or a piece of croissant through a vending machine. Your credit cards or mobile pay apps are accepted just the same. All buses or trains are unmanned. It is a silent world of WiFi and automation.

    No one needs to be present with you. No one cares if a human or alien standing next to you. You think you own thoughts, hear your own giggling, speak to yourself. You don’t need know or talk to anyone. The supermarkets or magazine stands are selling the same brands that you are very familiar with. The radio in the station sounds the same tone. You see silent buildings and landscape. Then you retreat back to you own home, similar to everyone else’s house – a silent world of WiFi and automation again.

    Every once a while, when you feel dreadful in the silence, you may think about traveling to some different world where you can still talk to a taxi driver or a street vendor, bargain a little, learn a few foreign terms, imitate some strange accents, and buy a piece of handmade local craft or artwork. Wouldn’t you feel wonderful? But be very careful, your next money-making idea could be, ‘how can I automate these people and things so that they can merger into my world’?

    Do you really want them to be in your world?

    A Constant Learning Journey for Life

    A Chinese saying puts it this way on one’s effective learning journey:


    -“Reading thousands of books is no better than traveling thousands of miles; traveling thousands of miles, is no better than meeting thousands of people; meeting thousands of people, is no better than having a great teacher for guidance; having a great teacher, is no better than thinking through and realizing by oneself.”

    This is truly TriStrategist’s experience on this journey. From west coast to east coast, from home to hotels, from land to water, from the US to Europe and Asia, meeting all walks of people, viewing all types of terrains, observing all variances of local economy and culture, it’s a journey to appreciate the timeless wisdom of the past, to connect one’s present to the future, to seek changes within. Everyone is a student on this constant learning journey before he or she becomes a confident master of one’s own destiny.

    Travel Notice

    Dear Readers,

    Due to a recently decided around-the-world travel schedule from the US to Europe and China, TriStrategy’s blogs may become sporadic in the coming 2-3 months. We look forward to taking a better look at the international markets and then hope to share fresher views with you from our learning and observations through the journey.

